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Gatsby Path Prefix and Docker Build

Recently I needed to containerize a Gatsby site and deploy it to a kubernetes cluster. The cluster had an ingress controller that mapped the /docs path to the Gatsby service. I just wanted to take a quick minute and document the process here. I utilized the pathPrefix in Gatsby so that the service would host the website at the /docs path.

const config = {
  gatsby: {
    pathPrefix: '/docs',

I then created the following Dockerfile to build the image that would be deployed to kubernetes. By running the gatsby build within the container, I was able to run this in our CI/CD pipeline without having to worry about any conflicts with any other jobs in regards to node versions or other dependencies.

FROM node:16.13.0-apline3.14


RUN apk add --no-cache python3 make gcc g++ util-linux
RUN npm -g install gatsby-cli@4.0.0
COPY . .
RUN yarn
RUN gatsby build --prefix-paths

CMD ["gatsby", "serve", "--verbose", "--prefix-paths", "-p", "80", "--host", ""]

The one mistake that I made along the way was that I added the --prefix-paths argument to the gatsby serve command, but forgot to add it to the gatsby build command. When I deployed the container, the links in the menu options and the pervious and next links at the bottom of the page did not include /docs in the path (I was using the gatsby-gitbook-starter theme). Once I added the --prefix-paths argument to the gatsby build command and redeployed, everything worked as expected.